Lindsay & Asociados
5555 Avenida ApoquindoLas Condes
General enquiries
- T:
- +56 22 480 5950
- W:
Local time
Lindsay is a firm of professionals based in Santiago, Chile. We have a portfolio of clients with commercial activities in different areas of the national and international economy. The services provided both in Santiago and in regions, through our branches and regional representatives, cover almost all business needs. These include the audit of financial statements, operational audit, tax and labour audit, management analysis, due diligence, tax planning, accounting, payroll, and others.
Key contacts
Kioumars Balazadeh
Fazael Youssefi-vash
Our history
We have more than 25 years of experience in audit and consulting.
What makes us different?
Our mission is to support the growth and profitability of our clients and our company nationwide, delivering the most complete updated financial control and business management tools. Our vision is to build the first and most important national provider to support SMEs, with real, efficient solutions in line with the business needs of each of our clients and associates.
Services provided
- Audit of listed companies
- Audit quality monitoring
- Statutory audit
Tax services
- Corporate and business tax
- Customs duty
- Employment tax
- Indirect international tax
- Private client/ personal tax
- Property tax
- R&D Tax Credits
- Statutory tax reporting and e-filing
- Tax planning and compliance
- Tax policy
- Transfer pricing
- Wealth management and trusts
Corporate finance
- Due diligence
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Private equity
Accounting services
- Book-keeping
- Financial reporting
- Outsourced accountancy
- Payroll (accounting)
- Preparation of statements
Company formation/ administration
- Outsourcing
- Payroll (admin)
Industry specialisms
Arts / Entertainment and Media
Energy / Mining and Natural Resources / Carbon Based and Green Energy
Fund Investment
Private Clients and Family Offices
Real Estate
Technology / Software Development / Gaming
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